Today, I’m sharing a previous blog post from years back that is still very relevant and timely. Read on further to see how to implement these practical strategies, right now.

One more thing, I’m opening up my schedule for limited spots to work with me 1:1 through a VIP Strategy/Coaching Session. For more details, check out the invite at the end of this blog article.

Why I’m Letting Go of Long-Term Goals…

When it comes to trying something new or embracing change or facing our fears, I’ve come to realize that sometimes it’s best and most successful to only commit to right now and short term. As in this day, this week, the next 2 weeks, the next month, or the next 3 months.

Because over-thinkers like myself, have a tendency to talk ourselves out of something before we even give it a chance.

How could this possibly work with my schedule?
What will I have to give up or change?
How will I be able to sustain this commitment?
Will this allow for flexibility in my life?

Once I realized that challenges were ahead and major resistance showed up, I had to take a step back to initially calm myself down, then get reasonable once I was out of that frantic this-is-impossible-energy.

As a result of working through my reluctance to change, I’ve created this 5-step practical approach that I’ve turned to again and again over the years. Even when I evaluated whether or not to give CrossFit a chance, seven years ago. This approach I’ll share can be applied to any change (or recommitment) you’re considering, regardless of how daunting it may initially appear.

Step 1Let’s take it back to the basics and the principle and chapter from my memoir-in-progress, Learn to Love Something You Hate or what you are resistant to.

Pause for a few moments to ask yourself, where is my reluctance coming from? How can I see this differently? In what ways could this truly enhance or benefit my life?

Then reflect upon your goals and the end result you seek. Lean into seeing how you can find a way to feel good and bring joy through the process. What would make this a little more fun?

For me, I saw how I was being reluctant to embrace CrossFit and making this commitment came from being worried. That this would force me to change my entire routine and give up my yoga, spin class and running, and my social life, or so I thought.

With some ambitious goals in mind, I considered how this new activity (or change) could support me further and shake things up in my life. (Consider: What’s your motivation? What are the possibilities?)

  • Seeking to expand my yoga practice into handstands and headstands, by building my core and arm strength, and learning how to do handstands up the wall, as they teach in CrossFit.
  • I’d also wanted to up my game in running and PR for my next Half Marathon.

Step 2Get real with yourself and those excuses that come up when contemplating the possibility of this new commitment or goal. Hold off on making decisions solely on all the reasons why you tell yourself you can’t.

Write it out or talk it out. Even better, talk it out with a friend or someone who has experience or expertise in what you are considering. Get the inside scoop before you take a step forward to feel more comfortable and know more of what to expect.

Step 3Do your Research, then evaluate further. Though wait on changing up your entire life. What are your opportunities, resources (money, time, support) available to you right now?

With CrossFit, I researched the gyms close to home and work, read up on the sites for the membership rates, the Coaches certifications, class schedule, testimonials, the size of the facility, and of course I checked out the Facebook pages of each gym. I wanted to get a better sense of how I’d feel working out there before I stepped into the gym.

Research takes some of the “unknowns” and makes them known facts. You’ll begin to eliminate many of the excuses against your research and evaluation. You may still have a few excuses or ambivalence lingering, that’s okay.

I began to see that I didn’t need to quit the gym or yoga studio at this time. I began to see how the money was there and would be coming to me. I also realized that the gym reimbursement through my work would cover my 6 month gym membership. I began to see how I could work out my schedule to try this out. I began to get excited about it!

Step 4Commit to the Short-Term for Now. Again, this means starting with today, one week, the next 2 weeks, or the next month. Then see if you can make a decision or feel you need more time.

When in doubt of whether to continue on or not, just commit to the next level of short-term goal, and then evaluate again. Because many times, one day or one week, isn’t enough time to really get a sense of how it’s going to be on a regular basis or enough time to give you the results you desire.

It was a great relief, when I realized I don’t need to worry about my commitment years down the road. I can make a different decision later. I can change my mind or try something new later.

Step 5Limit the change to one change at a time. Otherwise, it may be discouraging and even sabotaging. Because your attention and energy are scattered between multiple changes that it gets to be highly difficult to integrate all the changes at once into your life.

One step, one change at a time. Get comfortable in a routine with that change, then proceed forward with another change, if you desire.

What I know for sure is when I push myself out of my comfort zone (physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually), it always encourages me to embrace another change or fear in my life that I’ve been dancing around. Resistance diminishes, with more confidence and enthusiasm to the next.

Really powerful work here, if you’re willing to take the first step. Again, commit short-term at first. Long term progress will happen. Trust yourself. Give yourself permission to start! 

Embracing a little more change into your life can be manageable.

May this inspire you to show up in your life today, tomorrow, and always.
May you be blessed with peace, love, joy, well-being, and abundance in the new year!

Special Invitation – Work with me 1:1 VIP Strategy/Coaching Session:

  • Are you ready to feel more empowered, more focused, more aligned, and intentional in your life?
  • Ready to feel less stressed, less frustrated, less burdened by demands?
  • Want to drop the excuses, resistance, fears, and shift into a more confident version of yourself who achieves his/her goals and beyond what you thought was possible?
  • Seeking to feel less scattered and more at ease with what comes your way?
  • Seeking perspective and consulting/coaching guidance from HR corporate / strategic partner / project manager? (Perfect for entrepreneurs, leaders, or associates looking to up-level, implement changes, or make career moves and need additional support, strategic plan, and expertise that I can provide.)

Would love to support you in making your comeback, breaking free, achieving what your heart desires, or implementing changes as your Empowerment/Mindfulness Coach and Strategic Business Partner.

Well, here’s your chance! 1:1 VIP Strategy/Coaching session (2-hour session together + 30 minutes prep by me, so it’s a super-focused session + 30 min follow-up session 2-4 weeks later) Investment in yourself/business: Email (sarina@crself.comor DM me (either here or herefor VIP Session rate.

Whenever I’ve invested in myself (coaching, workshops, trainings, certifications, travel, well-being), I’ve always seen huge returns.

We’ll work together on mindset shifts, and you’ll be provided with practical strategies, resources, mindfulness approaches, strategic plan, project plan, depending on what’s most appropriate for you.

Since I’m finishing up writing my memoir and booking corporate consulting/coaching/speaking sessions, I’m only committing to taking on 5 private clients for this rare opportunity of 1:1 VIP strategy/coaching session, at this time.

If this is calling to you, and you’ve been wanting to work with me 1:1, then this is your moment, hit reply on email ( and tell me you’re interested and briefly what you’d like to focus on.

We’ll then connect on the next steps. You can book now, and we’ll get you on the schedule.

Check out my testimonials here (Instagram story highlights) and here (LinkedIn recommendations). Can’t wait to support and guide you! Here’s to Rising Up!

P.S. If you know someone who would be interested or a client or coworker who could benefit from this 1:1 VIP Strategy/Coaching opportunity, please forward this email to them and tell them to check it out. Much appreciation for sharing! 

Want to know more about me and my background? Check this out here.

Would love to know, what short-term goal you’re committing to?

Share your thoughts and this blog through email or social media. Feel free to comment, email me back, or chat with me on TwitterInstagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

I deeply honor you. Thank-you for being part of the C&R Self community! Namaste. – Sarina

Sarina Tomel
Leadership/Mindset Coach + HR/Training Consultant
Speaker ~ Writer ~ AdventureSeeker

Sarina is working on a memoir about recovery through running, repeated heartbreak, and healing the trauma.

Sarina teaches and coaches her clients on how to Step upSpeak up, and Stand up for their careers, relationships, and well-being. 

Here’s the link to book an initial 15-20 min consult with me to figure out if we’re aligned and what’s the best approach to move forward. 

Curious about my approach and results, check out my testimonials here (Instagram story highlights) and here (LinkedIn recommendations). Can’t wait to support and guide you! Here’s to Rising Up!


P.S. Are we connected on Instagram? Come join me and let’s chat there! I love sharing mantras and stories there as well.

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