
Let’s talk about sabbatical leave and transitions. If, for some reason, you missed my huge news that I shared last month, check out my previous blog post, Farewell, Starting a New Chapter, here.

(Here’s the voice memo of this message if you prefer to listen instead.)

But first, we need to get honest. Raise your hand, if you believed that working from home in the last year would’ve had you in the best shape of your life? I mean, how could we not with all that flexibility? (I do know of a few people who fit into this category. I’m so proud of them for showing up for themselves in this way!)

So let me tell you. I’ve got both hands raised over here. Because it turns out that wasn’t the case for me. Turns out even with borrowed gym equipment and modified workouts emailed to us from our gracious CrossFit gym owner, it was still a struggle. Sometimes, I’d choose a nap over working out. Recovery over sweating it out. Exhaustion from it all kept getting in the way – work demands with blurry lines of hours, stress about the family staying healthy and safe, going down the rabbit hole acting as an investigator seeking to verify the truth, but ended up frustrated and most times even more confused. The hours and days disappeared!

I know I’m not alone here. I’ve heard the same from so many others.

You know what? It’s okay. Because I choose to forgive myself for all the misunderstandings and false beliefs and unreasonable expectations. I choose to find another way. I choose to flow more. I choose to start again today, rather than in some near or distant future. And I’m so grateful for everything I do have, right at this moment.

One way to feel good fast is to ask yourself this question and then take the next step.

  • What is the most self-honoring action I can take for myself at this moment?

Seriously, come back to this one again and again. I encourage you. Make a post-it note and add it to your laptop. Set a reminder on your phone. Whatever works so that it becomes second nature. (Download my Instagram photo to your phone, if you’d like.)

Sometimes choosing rest and recovery over vigorous exercise is the most self-honoring thing to do. Sometimes walking or yoga is exactly what will calm and support your mind, body, and heart.

You’re not lazy. Stop saying that. Drop the judgment. Instead, tune into yourself. Forgive yourself. Honor what is up for you right now. Trust Yourself. Trust that you’ll get back there again.

Obstacles or injuries or work and family demands can certainly cause setbacks. What matters most is how you choose to show up in that moment for yourself. And how you choose to continue to show up, the next day, and the day after. If you’re stuck in a pattern, self-defeating behaviors, or excuses, that’s a different story. Perhaps a therapist or coach (or even both!) may best support you in breaking free, providing another perspective and strategies.

But truly, some days, like the rainy weekend we’re having here in NY, calls for slowing down. Going inward, resting and relaxing, learning and evaluating, getting stronger, making plans, scheduling, decluttering. Okay, maybe even a little Netflix, but I’d recommend setting some limits on episodes for the day.

In the last few weeks, I’ve been embracing the transition. Sabbatical days have been about slowing down the pace. Flowing more.

  • Reading more and for longer times, especially in the morning.
  • Waiting until after 12p to check emails. (For real!! I never thought this would ever happen.) Next up, switching to checking it only 2-3 times a day to be more strategic and focused in my work.
  • Sleep is a sacred practice, so I’m honoring it by getting 7-7.5 hours each night.
  • Power napping or indulging in a longer luxurious one when I need a reboot, rather than pushing through. Emotional and mental exhaustion is a thing, even with sufficient sleep! Even a hard workout will have me napping that day to recover.
  • Try this yoga pose. Legs-up-the-wall while laying on the floor or bed for 15 minutes. Set an alarm. This practice will have you feeling refreshed, like you had a 2-hour nap! Up to 30 minutes is fine, but I wouldn’t go past that limit.
  • Staying in a consistent fitness routine – gentle yoga, running, CrossFit
  • Try the “If, then statements.” It’s an approach I learned recently from a coaching program for high performers. When you decide ahead of time the backup plan if life gets hectic, you have two options to stay on track with your workouts. If, then statements. Simple, powerful, effective.
  • Here’s how I’ve used it: Schedule at-home yoga practice for 40 -60 minutes on my calendar. If something happens and pushes it slightly off, I may move it to a later time or shorten it to 20-30 minutes.
  • Weekly leisurely nature walks and runs, whether with the Northport Running Club (NRC), Manda, my sister, friends, or sometimes with Preston, my Goldendoodle.
  • You can see the photos, mantras, and stories on my Instagram from my nearby and far away adventures. I love connecting and chatting there, so join me!

All this to say, I’m getting back to basics. I’m talking about daily habits, boundaries, well-being. All focused on tuning in to what’s self-honoring in that moment and for that day.

I’m choosing to build a stronger foundation before I dive deep into writing and facilitating workshops and speaking again. There’s been some essay writing, workshops I’ve attended (writing and biz related), and that insightful consult with my mentor’s editor on my memoir happened. I still got some work ahead of me. I’m intentional in how I show up, what I will allow in my day-to-day, what opportunities I will accept, and what I will say no to or walk away from because I know it’s not the most aligned for me.

And I’m also allowed to change my mind and so are you! I’m allowed to switch course and do something different tomorrow, next month, next year. (More on my thoughts about that approach in this previous blog post.)

May this inspire you to show up in your life today, tomorrow, and always.


Let me know what your takeaway is from this blog post or the most self-honoring thing you’ll do today.

Share your thoughts and this blog through email or social media (Twitter/Instagram/Facebook/LinkedIn). Feel free to comment, email me back, or chat with me on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook or LinkedIn.

I deeply honor you. Thank-you for being part of the C&R Self community! Namaste. –Sarina

Sarina Tomel
Empowerment/Mindfulness Coach
Speaker ~ Writer ~ AdventureSeeker


Sarina is working on a memoir about recovery through running, repeated heartbreak, and healing the trauma.


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