Yesterday, I was at the gym getting my CrossFit workout in. It was a short intense one, like most days.

15 min AMRAP
Bike 7 calories
10 Box StepUps (20lb Dumbbells/arm)
10 Toes2Bar (T2B)

I focused in on those Toes2Bar and I almost talked myself out of it. Then I paused and considered, maybe today’s the day I can do T2B again. Coming from a curiosity mindset and leaning into the possibility. I can’t even remember when I did T2B last, maybe last summer?

I felt kind of fine and my upper back wasn’t bothering me. (It’s where I have one or two ribs that tend to shift out of place from when I injured myself during a simple yoga spinal twist years ago. I know kind of silly, right? The lesson learned is the importance of BREATHING, before twisting and not trying to force a pose to the fullest extend. Imagine that.)

Anyhow, getting back to my CrossFit workout.

I told myself, let’s see how many T2B I can do in a row, then I’ll drop and switch to L-up sit-ups.

I tested it out as part of my warm-up. I eyed the bar above, jumped up and grabbed it, while hanging there I pushed my body back and swung forward, lifting my toes effortlessly to touch the bar. Then I did it again and again. And just like that, I went from almost talking myself out of it, to challenging myself to try it again, to being back at it.

And throughout my workout for five rounds, I did 6 T2B in a row before I let myself go to the ground. Then I finished with my L-up sit-ups.

With my mantra: Commit, commit all the way through. I was able to stay focused, keep going, taking it to my edge that day in a self-honoring way.

The lesson here I want to share is: Find a way to challenge yourself, as often as daily or at least every week, big or small. Whatever that looks like for you.

Decide to bring yourself to your edge, that uncomfortable-enough-to-stretch you to grow into a better version of yourself than yesterday. That kind of challenge.

It’s a glorious, fulfilling, confidence-boosting place to be. It’s that discipline building, a strong commitment to yourself that allows you to show up and conquer what you thought might not have been possible in your job, relationships, well-being, and other goals. It expands you on a whole other level. And who wouldn’t want that?

Challenging yourself can be something other than physical movement or adventure travel or bucket-list goals. Though I highly recommend and encourage all of that.

  • Find the courage to have that difficult conversation with compassion.
  • Speak up for yourself, and ask what you need to know or for what you want.
  • Lean into something that you desire and maybe makes you feel nervous or terrifies you.

Yes, it’s a risk if you do, risk if you don’t. Though with the last one way, you’re surely missing out.

Consider what limiting beliefs or excuses or stories of who you think you are or you were that’s holding you back. Can’t figure it out, what’s stopping you, I’ve got you!

May this inspire you to show up in your life today, tomorrow, and always.

Special Invitation – Work with me 1:1 VIP Strategy/Coaching Session:

  • Are you ready to feel more empowered, more focused, more aligned, and intentional in your life?
  • Ready to feel less stressed, less frustrated, less burdened by demands?
  • Want to drop the excuses, resistance, fears, and shift into a more confident version of yourself who achieves his/her goals and beyond what you thought was possible?

Would love to support you in making your comeback or breaking free or achieving what your heart desires as your Empowerment/Mindfulness Coach.

Well, it’s finally HERE! 1:1 VIP Strategy/Coaching session (2-hour session together + 30 minutes prep by me, so it’s a super-focused session) Investment in yourself/business: Email (sarina@crself.comor DM me (either here or herefor VIP Session rate.

We’ll work together on mindset shifts, and you’ll be provided with practical strategies, resources, mindfulness approaches, strategic plan, project plan, depending on what’s most appropriate for you.

Since I’m finishing up writing my memoir and booking corporate workshops/speaking/coaching sessions, I’m only committing to taking on 5 – 10 private clients for this rare opportunity of 1:1 VIP strategy/coaching session, at this time. I’ll also be traveling on my next adventure soon (still planning it and haven’t figured out where yet), because I’m ready to get on a plane again!

If this is calling to you, and you’ve been wanting to work with me 1:1, then this is your moment, hit reply on email ( and tell me you’re interested and briefly what you’d like to focus on.

We’ll then connect on the next steps. You can book now, and we’ll get you on the schedule.

Check out my testimonials here, as I’ll be dropping them daily for the next week in Instagram, and Facebook stories, LinkedIn, and sharing in the highlights.

Can’t wait to support and guide you! Here’s to Rising Up!

P.S. If you know someone who would be interested or a client or coworker who could benefit from this 1:1 VIP Strategy/Coaching opportunity, please forward this email to them and tell them to check it out. Much appreciation for sharing!

Want to know more about me and my background? Check this out here.


Let me know when’s the last time you’ve challenged yourself?

Share your thoughts and this blog through email or social media (Twitter/Instagram/Facebook/LinkedIn). Feel free to comment, email me back, or chat with me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

I deeply honor you. Thank-you for being part of the C&R Self community! Namaste. – Sarina

Sarina Tomel
Empowerment/Mindfulness Coach
Speaker ~ Writer ~ AdventureSeeker


Sarina is working on a memoir about recovery through running, repeated heartbreak, and healing the trauma.


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