13.1 Marathon Series in Chicago 6/9/12
Finished fierce Sarina Tomel at 2:09hrs + Amanda Tomel (sister) at 2:13hrs
Nothing is impossible! Be a Risk Taker! Race Photo taken by Marathonfoto
13.1 Marathon Series in Chicago 6/9/12 Finished fierce Sarina Tomel at 2:09hrs + Amanda Tomel (sister) at 2:13hrs Nothing is impossible! Be a Risk Taker! Race Photo taken by Marathonfoto

Rise and Shine! Wake up at 4am – Shuttle bus pick up at 5:30am – Race starts at 7am with temperatures in the high 60s going into the high 70s within a few hours. Sunshine will be glazing over us from the Lake Michigan side of Chicago while running many miles in the shade through the parks yet many miles in the sun. Theme song, We Found Love, by Rihanna comes on right as our wave G is up at the start line ready to begin the 13.1 Marathon Series at Chicago.

Couldn’t have been a better way to start the race!

Never in my life have I woken up at 4am for anything, however on this day I did, and then I ran a Half Marathon at 7am. I somehow still managed to finish fierce in 2:09hrs. Even though I finished five minutes slower than my first Half Marathon back in September 2011 at the Hamptons Half Marathon, this race is still an accomplishment. It reminds me that this was an opportunity to learn how to better face struggles that came my way on this challenging race day.

A challenging race is similar to life. If you can face the challenges on the race course, then you can face the challenges in life. The Self Mantra that allowed me to make it through the long training runs and race day was, “Training for a Half, nothing is impossible.”

Even when you feel like giving up, you need to find the strength inside you and become resilient to what may appear to be bringing you down in order to finish the race. Truth be told, I had a few moments when the self doubts came up, “Am I going to be able to make it through this race?”, “Am I going to be able to reach a PR (personal record/personal best) and come in around 2 hours as a finish time?”, and “Is my body going to cooperate to get me through this race?”

Once I realized I wasn’t going to be breaking a PR, disappointment set in, but my focus had to switch to positive thoughts and strategy on how to make it through the race strong and steady. So when it was necessary, I gave myself permission to slow down when I was struggling with stomach cramps from the GU packs – gel energy supplements for runners. Then I began to self talk myself through the race – inner self talk that’s a powerful and effective technique leverage by many runners and athletes!

“It’s okay. You’ll give a Woo-Hoo, when you cross that finish line.”
“You still get to take home a finisher’s medal. Today doesn’t have to be a PR.”
“Pace yourself through the race. You’re stronger than you think. You’ve got this.”
“It’s not always about being the best. It’s about knowing how to make it through this race and in life. It’s about strategy!”

All of this self talk/self mantra/self affirmation conversation with myself allowed me to stay focused, calm, and not emotional during the race. No matter how you do out on the race course, always finish strong – that is the last half a mile or mile, or whatever distance you can do at a faster pace, you go for it and charge through that finish line like you have been running that way the entire time. Smile, Breathe, Open your Stride, Look Straight Ahead at the Finish Line, Hear the Cheers of the Spectators and the Announcer’s Voice, Book it Like you have Never Booked it Before, and finally Take it All the Way Home Across that Finish Line, because you’ve made it! You’re a Half-Marathon Runner, so wear that finisher’s medal proud!!

What has been your most challenging goal or accomplishment that you are most proud of?

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