Prepare to Take Center Stage in Your Life. It’s time!
Prepare to Take Center Stage in Your Life. It’s time!

Change is definitely coming. It’s coming from all directions. I’ve been waiting on some change to come into my life. In fact, I’ve intentionally been creating change with myself and allowing myself to learn to take more risks by stepping more and more outside my comfort zone. Facing my fears and committing to goals I never thought I could ever achieve…that’s what I’ve been focused on.

I’ve been living my life with no regrets, and I have traveled to the other side of the world. I’m not waiting for life to happen. I’m creating my life and destiny right now.

Learning how to get out of my own way, and taking a leap of faith, rather than questioning later on what if I had just given it a try. Sharing my heart and soul with every blog post, and with those I care about. I’ve been authentic and honest, perhaps too straight-forward at times. Good enough can be enough in more cases than not and the perfect time is today, so stop making excuses to step forward.

I’ve been Persistent and Determined. I’ve never lost sight of my dreams and living out my true calling in life. I’m exactly where I need to be at this moment in my life for what’s supposed to happen next. Everything has prepared me for this moment. I’m ready. It’s time.

So, Change, you come get me, I’m prepared for you! I will keep trusting my intuition, embracing the unknown, and allowing myself to feel liberated. I surrender to the abundance and everything wonderful coming my way.

Therefore, I’m saying Yes to More Adventures, Learning Experiences, Opportunities, Happiness and Love, all because I decided to take a risk for once in my life! And it all started with becoming a Runner a few years back and having amazing support from friends and family who believe in me. Nothing is impossible. I’m going to change the world in my own way.

What I want for all of you and myself is simply to have it all because we deserve to have everything! Namaste.

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