Central America GAdventures Tour 12/2013 – San Juan, Costa Rica
Central America GAdventures Tour 12/2013 – San Juan, Costa Rica

Failure can actually be your greatest teacher, only if you allow it to be. Heartbreak. Self-Sabotage. Not Making the Sports Team. Not Getting a Call Back for a Second Audition. Below Expectations Rating on Performance Review. Missed Promotion or Opportunities. Unsuccessful Business Venture. Resistance is Failure because you are not Embracing Change. Lack of Dedication, Focus, Passion, and Commitment is also Failure. Because you are not showing up entirely to give your most powerful authentic self to those that need you to serve them.

Sometimes we have to be up against the wall or practically on our knees begging for a better way before we are ready for the next step. Though, you don’t have to get to this extreme level of frustration or disappointment to make the necessary change to guide yourself back to the life you desire.

It’s sometimes not until we fail miserably at something that we really understand and accept what we actually need to do next. Epiphanies happen and then we finally get it!! It’s a serious wake-up call to finally get our act together and stop the nonsense and denial.

Realize this! Some of the greatest brilliant inventions (Apple before iMac, iPod, iPad, iPhone), successful sports athletes (Michael Jordan didn’t make High School basketball team), accomplished authors (Tim Ferriss, 26 publishing rejects before NY Times Bestselling, The 4-Hour Work Week) and talented singers (Lady Gaga dropped by Island Def Jam Records), came out of mistakes, failed attempts, or failing businesses that lead to trying different tweaks here and there or different approaches, which then became brilliant or successful outcomes!!

Isn’t that somewhat reassuring? Then what if you start to recognize Failure as just simply being a temporary postponement of success or desired outcome? Failure is really simply part of the journey to success that we all experience along the way while we are so focused on trying to make something happen.

Failure can also be seen as brilliant outcome in disguise waiting to be discovered by you! Because Failure isn’t necessarily the final outcome of what’s coming your way. That’s right – Failure doesn’t define your entire life and it’s not your final destiny on your journey. You’re destined for greatness and abundance, if you choose to accept this mission and belief. And then you just need to step into your most powerful authentic self. Never forgot that! 

So what if, today you commit to seeing Failure as Life Lessons and One of your Greatest Teachers? Would this shift your focus and the next steps you take? You better believe it would!!

Once we master the lesson of Learning from Failure, we can persevere and come back stronger, more tolerant and disciplined, more successful, more flexible, more willing to take risks and be open-minded, and happier as a result of these experiences!! So how exactly do we get to this place??

Five Ways to Embrace Failure/Life’s Lessons & Step into Your Greatness!
1 – Step outside your comfort zone to learn and develop as an individual on many levels.
2 – Take a risk for once in your life and try a different approach or a new activity.
3 – Recognize what the experience has to offer and what lessons you can take away from it.
4 – Engage others in the process while you are working on a new goal or activity to encourage and motivate you.
5- Create healthy competition with yourself by using perceived failure to motivate you to higher level.

Remember this. You are not defined by Your Failures and it is not your final destination. From this moment on, commit to Allow Failure to be one of your Greatest Teachers to show you the way to Stepping into Your Greatness. Namaste!

* * * * * *

Over the next few months, we’ll be discussing common Fears that others experience and some strategies to conquer these Fears! Finally, if you feel inspired by this article, then like it, share it, and/or comment below. Also, be sure to Join the Courageous & Remarkable Self Movement! Sign up to get even more Insight, Strategies, and Stories that will move you towards Recognizing and Embracing your Courageous & Remarkable Self! Namaste!

Related Articles
Learning from Failure – How to transition from being less of a Perfectionist to more of an Optimalist.
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Showing up for Myself…Traveling, Realizations, Life-Changing, Gratitude!
Always a Student of Life. Reconnect with Your Divine Self!

Sources – Success Stories / Real Inspiration Examples Shared
Danielle LaPorte – Big failure, big success. 12 People to Keep you going.
Apple History http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Apple_Inc.
Steve Jobs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Jobs

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