Taking Risks by Traveling to the other side of the world solo on a group tour! One way I reconnect to my authentic self and my life purpose because it gets me out of my element and facing my fears and self-limiting beliefs!
SE Asia GAdventures Tour 2/2012 - Ancient Temple Cave in Laos
Taking Risks by Traveling to the other side of the world solo on a group tour! One way I reconnect to my authentic self and my life purpose because it gets me out of my element and facing my fears and self-limiting beliefs! SE Asia GAdventures Tour 2/2012 - Ancient Temple Cave in Laos

Get this! Sometimes there’s a big tug of war between FEAR of Failure and FEAR of Success, and ultimately you may just give in because you’re so exhausted and unsure which side to take. The REALITY is you don’t need to take either side. Unless, you want to let FEAR run your life, strip you of your sense of worth and passion for life, and then drag you into the ground and mud! That’s absolutely not for the Courageous & Remarkable one like you!

Perhaps you’re one of those people who wouldn’t know what to do if all your dreams came true – if you got everything you ever desired in your life, career, and relationships. Maybe you’re concerned about the sense of responsibility that comes with success. It feels safe right now and you don’t want others to judge or criticize you for being an individual and doing something different than expected. This keeps you exactly where you are rather than taking a risk. Deep down you know there’s more. At the same time, you’re filled with excitement of what could be and terrified of everything that could go wrong.

Are you overwhelmed just thinking about how all this success fits into your big life plan?

It’s the Classic case of letting your worries get the best of you and focusing more on the future and variables that you can’t control. So the end result may be not taking any action at all towards that ambitious goal or that burning desire you have. In other cases, it becomes getting caught up in distractions that lead you entirely off course that you’ve forgotten altogether what you were initially passionate about in life. So unbelievable, yet so very true!

That’s where the internal conflict arises and guilt and disconnect makes you feel lost in your life. So how the heck do you resolve this issue?

You learn to listen. You learn to really listen to your authentic self and not to your fears, doubts, self-limiting beliefs, and excuses! You just need to listen to your inner voice and intuition long enough to know what decision to make or next step to take. Then you keep the faith and keep going. You stay committed to yourself and true to yourself! It may be really challenging to get there and you may even feel discouraged and want to quit.

I know because I’ve been there myself many times and this still comes up for me. Like the time, when I didn’t even come close to the GRE scores I needed to get into my Master’s program. I seriously thought God was torturing me and I just didn’t understand how this could happen. I felt like quitting and taking the easy way out – not trying again and deciding to give up on my burning desire to learn more and to be more accomplished in my career and life. But I didn’t! I figured out another approach to studying (everyday for 3 hours straight in the library like it was a part time job after my full-time HR job with coffee or tea and a snack or protein bar!). Then I went back for the retake of the GREs and got the scores I needed to get accepted into the Master’s Program for Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Hofstra University! That’s how we do it!!

Know this. You’re Courageous & Remarkable already! Courageous & Remarkable Ones are Resilient and Determined and creative and resourceful. Courageous & Remarkable ones may consider quitting when they feel like they can’t continue on or their world is turned upside down, but they realize what’s most important and they keep going.

Courageous & Remarkable ones know that whatever sacrifices they need to make will be worth it in the end. Courageous & Remarkable ones also know that disappointments are just a way we recognize that it’s time for us to refocus and recommit to the ambitious goal or burning desire! We also come to realize that the sense of accomplishment will be so much greater when we actually arrive and how grateful we are for all the opportunities (and disappointments) along the way!

Because what you choose to focus on becomes your REALITY! Simply decide today that you are not going to believe or accept these FEARS, and instead commit to moving in the direction of your desires, goals, career, dreams, passions, travel, and once in a lifetime experiences. Live Today. Dream Big. Go After it! The Divine in me recognizes and honors the Divine in You. Namaste!

C&R Self Encouragement/Determination Self-Mantras:
“I’ve got so much more to give then I’m giving right now. Keep going. Keep going.”

“Everything has prepared me for this moment. I’m ready. It’s time.”

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