Blog - With a Leap of Faith ..

As I had previously shared as a Tweet/Facebook update and blog post, I’m making this year, the year that I take more risks and work more on releasing my fears, doubts, self-limiting beliefs, and blocks to true happiness. No more holding back!

Facing my fears and committing to a goal I never thought I could accomplish, and actually crossing that finish line in the Hamptons Half Marathon last September 2011, has empowered me to keep facing my fears in life. So where does this lead me? Well, I’m on my way training for my second Half Marathon with the Allstate Life InsuranceSM 13.1 Marathon® Series in Chicago! Because it’s the journey of training and the race itself that takes me further in life. Spring training started when I returned from my SE Asia trip, so I’ve been out there consistently running 3x/week and practicing yoga once/twice a week for the past month. Countdown is about 8 weeks to the Half Marathon on June 9th 2012.

Naturally, Half Marathon training brings some smaller races of 5k and 10k races as part of the overall training schedule. During this past weekend, at the Marcie Mazzola Memorial 5k race, I finished in 28:05 min, which is 9:03 min/mile pace and I came in 8th place in my age group out of 32 women for my first race of the season. Also, I should share the Marcie Mazzola 5k race is somewhat of a challenging one with a gradual hill for the first mile, so you need strategy for this type of race. It’s not quite my Personal Record/Personal Best (PR) because that would be the Town of Oyster Bay Oyster Festival 5k race in October 2011 which was 26:32 min at 8:33 min/mile pace. However, this Sunday was not about a PR, as it was more about just getting out there again racing – with the adrenaline flowing and experiencing the moment when I realize again, “I’m a runner. Everything has prepared me for this moment. So show them what I’ve got and push my limits alittle further this time.” Overall, I’m definitely happy with the results. Just so great to get out there again!

For the biggest announcement I can share right now…I’ve been selected as a Guest Blogger for Allstate Life InsuranceSM 13.1 Marathon® Series Blog!! About one month ago, I submitted a blog post/writing sample and I just heard back this past Friday. Wait it gets better – this will give me amazing exposure as a blogger to thousands of runners/readers and I am encouraged by Corporate at Allstate Life InsuranceSM 13.1 Marathon® Series/US Road Sports & Entertainment Group to publicize my blog link at the end of each blog post as part of my signature!!

What a privilege it is to be offered this opportunity as a Guest Blogger for Allstate Life InsuranceSM 13.1 Marathon Series!  So grateful! Really looking forward to inspiring Runners and potential Runners to Embrace the Unknown, Face their Fears and Live their Best Healthy Life!

Things are shaking and moving over here – change is in the air and there will be more exciting updates in the upcoming weeks/months!! Special thanks to my closest friends and family who have been so supportive and encouraging with everything and only truly want the best for me. You allow me continue to believe in myself especially in moments of self-doubt, challenges and when I’m not quite as patient with life events or goals. So thank-you! I’m really grateful for having all of you in my life!!

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