Maybe I’ve mastered thriving in and rising above chaos because my childhood could be described in that very same one word – chaos. I also believe that mastering my childhood chaos has made me very effective in my HR role, especially in employee relations and keeping my calm and focus in some very intense situations in the workplace. So let me share how I’m allowing for flexibility and continue to build my resilience, so chaos doesn’t get the best of me!
How I’m Allowing for Flexibility in My Life and Thriving Beyond the Uncontrollable/Chaos:
- Getting at least 6 hours of sleep. I function really well on this amount, but sometimes need more and can occasionally function fine with less, but these days I try not to make this a regular habit, if possible. My most creative thoughts and writing happens at night, so I let it flow when I’m in the zone, otherwise I try to get enough sleep! (All in all, I deserve good sleep despite how long my goal list and to-do list stretches on for.)
- Organizing myself and decluttering in my home, at the office, and in my life. Again, as I discussed in Always a Student of Life. Reconnect with Your Divine Self!, it’s about creating space and removing the burdens in your life – physically, mentally, and emotionally that’s holding you back.
- Tackling the priorities on the list and not letting procrastination get the best of me! Embracing something new or learning a new approach especially when it may have been something I was dreading to even get started with.
- Asking for assistance and delegating tasks. (I don’t need to do it all – how liberating!)
- Committing to social events, activities, networking groups that I’m excited to participate in, and matches up with my desires and goals. However, deciding to not over-commit or over-schedule myself by saying no to certain requests or invites. (Can’t be everywhere at the same time!)
- Leaving some time in the schedule to relax, meditate, read, or just simply slow down my daily/weekly pace.
- Having a sense of humor, and laughing at the irony of what the situation may be at that moment. Sometimes it just doesn’t make sense or seem fair, which is exactly why we need to laugh about it every once in a while. Laughter heals and rejuvenates!
- Practicing Yoga about twice/week – at the gym, yoga studio, or at home with favorite dvds!
- Working out either in Spin Class or Running two – three times/week (Typically I switch off to Spin Class in the winter months.)
- Staying calm and centered especially when in the past I may have overreacted to a particular situation. I’m realizing more and more that everything always works out. Maybe not exactly the same way I’ve planned or according to my timeline, but I take the right actions, have the right expectations, and trust it will work out. Acceptance and Patience!
- Thinking back to a time when I was able to cope with a similar or more challenging experience, to remember how I got through it, and that if I got through that experience, then I can get through anything! What comes to mind was when I was working full-time in my HR career, and going to Graduate school part-time in the evenings. Really stressful time in my life, and there were a few moments when I wanted to quit something and then everything because balancing this stressful routine was challenging. I made it! Came out stronger, and more empowered!
- Finally, realizing that I have control over how I react and my Perspective. Once you’ve got Perspective, then everything magically seems better. Perspective becomes exactly what you need and then you’ve got Everything!
Therefore, allow yourself to feel and accept the emotions that arise from a situation. Then learn how to let it go in a positive healthy way. All in all, it’s about building your resilience level to stress, recognizing your sense of control in a situation (sometimes we can only control our reaction/perspective), reconnecting with yourself and your inner calm, and feeling centered despite what’s going on in your life.
Recognize and believe you are stronger than you think. You can absolutely master thriving in and rising above chaos, and not let it get the best of you!
How do you cope when things are chaotic? What are some ways you can change your life so you can learn to be more flexible and build your resilience?
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