Release what no longer serves you well. Release your fears, doubts, self-limiting beliefs, and blocks to true happiness. Practice this everyday.
It’s about learning how to get out of your own way. Here’s another confession – this is my current biggest struggle. I have to keep reassuring myself that I’m on the right path and not to be concerned with everyone else’s thoughts or judgments. I need to tame my inner critic that wants to self sabotage and quit on me.
How does someone work on this? Well, my approach is to keep facing those fears, doubts, self-limiting beliefs and blocks to true happiness. Most importantly, I remind myself of what I have already accomplished, how I have already stepped outside my element/comfort zone and continue to do so, how I have become a Half Marathon runner and one time didn’t believe I could, how with each relationship that doesn’t work out that I’m just getting closer to finding the right person for me, and how I believe I can change the world in my own way while saving a few lives by sharing my story and life lessons.
Therefore, release all of it and just let it all go – because this is no different. When in doubt or in that time when I’m feeling nervous or even anticipation of what’s to come, I just tell myself, “Everything has prepared you for this moment…You are ready… It’s time.”
So let’s journey together because it would be an absolute crime to give the world anything less than our best selves. We owe it to ourselves and to the lives we will touch by being true to ourselves and sharing our talents with the world!
Fear or doubts may never completely go away. That’s okay. We are going to be fine. Have you ever noticed that sometimes these fears or doubts get disguised as excuses or reasons why we tell ourselves how we can’t accomplish a goal, can’t be the person we would like to be, or have what we truly desire in our lives? It’s true. Realize it’s more about embracing what’s to come along with the unknown and trusting that every step and effort we make is leading us in the right direction. With that we find some inner peace and connection with ourselves. Namaste!
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