Enough is Enough… (And Mindfulness Approach with 5 Self-Mantras)

Old Westbury Gardens - Long Island, NY - July 2014
Old Westbury Gardens - Long Island, NY - July 2014

Focusing on what’s not happening or what’s wrong is a sure way to keep manifesting the same. And indeed it will only bring you more of what you don’t want. Then bam…Frustration and the lack of control feelings arise to the 10th degree. Ever have that happen? Well, I’ve definitely fallen into this trap before.

Oh and then there’s those moments, where it’s taking your spirit for life and challenging you in ways like no other. All we then desire is to have everything go back to being Normal. So we can get back part of ourselves that has gone missing. We may even be begging, pleading, and praying. Asking why and when it will all be over.

Because what we desire is that freedom, to feel like ourselves again.

Though, what if, [Continue Reading...]

Ever Find Yourself Asking: Is It Really Worth It?

Rooftop Sunset View in New York City - 6/2014
Rooftop Sunset View in New York City - 6/2014

That moment when you hear back from a big publication that they won’t be accepting your article…Disappointing, to say the least. You had your heart set on it. You really believed in your story and could swear it was the right writing style for this column.

Because you did your research and read months and months of articles. You challenged yourself to go deeper, sharing insights, in a memoir style. You did the very best you could do. About seven or so revisions, critiqued by fellow writers, a writing professor, and an editor. Nonetheless, you learned that it wasn’t right for their needs.

But I just don’t understand? Am I just wasting my time by investing in my passion of writing? Will this ever become more than what it is today? Will [Continue Reading...]

Forgiving Myself…

6/2014 Oheka Castle in Hungtington, NY
6/2014 Oheka Castle in Hungtington, NY

As I walked out of my condo for my morning run on Friday, an immediate realization hit me that I couldn’t ignore, “You need to forgive yourself. Forgive yourself.” These words echoed in my mind, followed by a sigh of relief for this awareness. And I knew that this is an absolute truth and a huge block for making some of my dreams a reality.

For several days prior, I went to bed, saying a short though powerful prayer that comes from one of my mentor’s, Gabby Bernstein, her latest book Miracles Now, “I surrender it all. Inner guide, please help me surrender it all.” I know that this awakened this truth of forgiveness being an answer to that prayer. Clearly, I need to amp up my forgiveness practice, so I can claim [Continue Reading...]

Standing on the Ledge of a Mountain…

5/2014 Liberation Moment at the Megaliths cliff
Schunemunk Mountain Hike with Discover Outdoors
5/2014 Liberation Moment at the Megaliths cliff Schunemunk Mountain Hike with Discover Outdoors

Following the precise steps of the hiker in front of me, I chanted mantras (in this case out loud to keep focus), “One with the rock, one with rock, one with the tree,” until I safely made it through the bouldering cliff climb upward and onward. I carefully fangled my way around each enormous rock and reached for the tree trunk to my right, realizing I was on a ledge of an undetermined height (I told myself not to look over my right shoulder, because it didn’t matter, I had to keep going.) This was just one of the many moments along the edge of Schunemunk Mountain, an 8-mile hike with Discover Outdoors, taking us through changing terrains of trails and stones that we had to navigate through.

Courage and my [Continue Reading...]

Nine Ways of Redefining Liberation in Life…

IMG_7881 Yoga Heart sunset resized.jpg

Sometimes breaking free requires us to set new and clear boundaries with ourselves and others. By accepting certain behavior that doesn’t feel right, you allow yourself to receive less in return.

Instead stand up for yourself and recognize your self-worth. Speak your truth and that will set you free!

Sometimes we intentionally block abundance and flow of desires being realized, because we’re waiting for a certain time or someone else to be the answer to our prayers, so we choose to hide rather than show up completely as ourselves.

Instead choose ways you can show up completely every day. Expand on this practice so that your authentic self and passion for life begin to conquer your fears and excuses. Take responsibility for what you want!

Sometimes we obsess over a certain outcome happening or [Continue Reading...]