Liberating Lessons from my Yoga Practice!


If you’re anything like me and have moments of feeling overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, obsessed over the right approach and the end result, well I’ve got a secret for you to rock your world and give you back your liberation! However, before I get into this secret, let me share a work moment that recently happened.

Just a few weeks ago, I had an employee come down seriously annoyed about a coworker interaction she just had, and as a result, she was refusing to collaborate with this coworker any longer. It was definitely a case of a personality conflict/miscommunication. As in any HR employee relations matter, I allowed the employee to tell me what brought her down, asked her the appropriate questions and listened to what she had to say. We had [Continue Reading...]

Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs & Finding Happiness!

Traveled to the other side of the world!  Sarina riding Elephants on land and water when in Luang Prabang, Laos.  GAdventures SE Asia Trip 2/2012 - 3/2012

Traveled to the other side of the world!
Sarina riding Elephants on land and water when in Luang Prabang, Laos.
GAdventures SE Asia Trip 2/2012 - 3/2012

When life isn’t quite happening the way you expect or want it (e.g., a relationship, a job opportunity or making a sports team), it can be frustrating, particularly if it seems that everyone else around you is living the life you want. Let me share, I have been there myself many times. Of course, this has lead to me search for answers to make sense of the situation by asking why and what can I do differently next time?

Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone and I’m here for you. So let me share some insights, strategies, resources, and encouragement that have helped me gain clarity and move past my self-limiting beliefs that were holding me back.

It’s been through a dedicated practice of self-awareness strategies that has [Continue Reading...]

How I became a Half Marathon Runner & Then got featured in FITNESS Magazine

A few weeks ago, I was a Guest Speaker at Half Hollow Hills High School West (3 classes back to back!) and I discussed with the students the topic, Learning to Embrace Change in Your Life and Career. Without a doubt, Embracing Change is so essential to master, especially if you want to achieve some big goals and conquer your self-limiting beliefs, fears and doubts!

It’s when I’ve stepped forward, believed in myself, stayed committed to the outcome and true to myself, that’s when some powerful moments happened in my life and career!

In this video clip from that day, I shared with the High School Students, How I became a Half Marathon Runner & then got featured in FITNESS Magazine for the July/August 2012 issue.


Key Strategies / Insights to Take Away

Be [Continue Reading...]

Take on the World & Become a Force to be Reckoned with!


Tell me are you interested in keeping the momentum going towards your goals, and connecting to similar like minded individuals for synergy, support, and friendships? How about feeling like you can take on the world and become a force to be reckoned with? Well, then I hope you’re staying true to your commitment about always being a student of life because that’s the approach – to stay connected to your authentic self and desires in life!

I’m keeping the commitment to myself to continue to approach life as a student, recognizing that I don’t have all the answers, being open to receiving the wisdom, insights, strategies, creative awareness/inspiration that comes when I self indulge into learning, reflection, mediation, yoga, and retreats. All in all, it’s about taking in what really resonates with me [Continue Reading...]

Release the Need of Acceptance & Fear of Being Judged…Choosing to Live Life with Intention

Masaya Volcano Sunset Hike in Nicaragua
GAdventures Volcano Trail Tour 1/2013
Masaya Volcano Sunset Hike in Nicaragua
GAdventures Volcano Trail Tour 1/2013

Let’s decide to journey together with a clear intentional statement for how we want to live our lives today and everyday thereafter! Come from the feeling place as you envision what you desire it to be, so you can begin to manifest this into your life. Then commit to it by bringing it forward from your mind and writing it out. Make it real and acknowledge what it is for you. Allow yourself to hold the space of all these desires in your heart, mind and soul.

While on my flight to San Jose, Costa Rica for my GAdventures Volcano Trail Tour, I considered again my decision for traveling on this adventurous trip – continuing to embrace stepping outside my comfort zone, taking more risks, having more once-in-a-lifetime experiences, and reconnecting with [Continue Reading...]