When You Don’t Get What You Want…

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The moment when reality sets in and you come to know that you didn’t get what you truly wanted.

This happened to me last weekend. The announcement was made about the winners of the Hay House Writer’s Workshop contest and my book proposal wasn’t selected.

Was I disappointed about missing this chance to be published with Hay House? Absolutely! Was I devastated about the news? Surprisingly, no. And really because I didn’t place all my hopes and dreams on this one opportunity, my first attempt of going after my dream of becoming an author.

Because I wasn’t so attached to the outcome of, it has to be this-opportunity-right-here-right-now. Because from the beginning I always saw this writer’s workshop contest as a deadline to get me to finally commit to writing my book proposal. [Continue Reading...]

How to Solve Your Biggest Problems with Adventures (11 Ideas Included)!

Ometepe Island, Nicaragua 
GAdventures Central America Tour - 1/2013
Ometepe Island, Nicaragua GAdventures Central America Tour - 1/2013

Perhaps you’re single having trouble finding the right person for you or maybe you’re just experiencing some tension in your current relationship. Ever had to deal with a friendship that you’ve out grown? I know, really difficult to make that decision and communicate that truth.

What about… Facing career inner conflict because you’re feeling stuck in a job that isn’t using your talents or feeling just burned out. Perhaps, those damn fears and doubts (and excuses) keep getting the best of you and bringing you to the same tormented situation again and again, leaving you asking, why? Otherwise, maybe it’s just that life has been the same routine for way too long and you feel as if your life is lacking excitement.

Could one or more of these scenarios be yours?

Well, if that’s [Continue Reading...]

So What’s Next?…

Chamonix, France (French Alps) - Contiki Europe Tour - 7/2011
Chamonix, France (French Alps) - Contiki Europe Tour - 7/2011

Ever feel like you’re always thinking about what’s next to accomplish or what to tackle for that day? Do you take time to sit still in awe and properly honor what you’ve just achieved, how much you’ve grown, and what you’ve learned before you move on to the next?

In the world we live in, (and especially in NY where I’m from), we tend to be always constantly on the go, and try to exceed what we’ve done already.

At times, there’s this pressure to keep up with what everyone else is doing. And corporate life encourages and thrives on us being in this fast lane of “Okay, check that off. It’s done. What else do we need to get to?” It’s no wonder why we feel like something is missing or [Continue Reading...]

Get the Most out of Life Right Now!

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What if I shared a secret with you about getting the most out of life right now …Would you believe it’s possible? Would you seize this opportunity rather than dismiss it?

And by simply doing this very single thing on a daily basis…
- Your life will become more Abundant.
- Your life will become more Intentional.
- Your life will feel more Empowering.
- You will create more Awareness in your life.
- You would feel more Inner Peace and Happiness.

So here’s the secret that I’ve been practicing the last two months that’s allowed me to feel this way and to create another shift in my life towards what I desire: my gratitude journal.

Since Thanksgiving, I’ve been keeping a daily gratitude journal, which I learned about after reading and watching Christine Hassler’s vblog speak about [Continue Reading...]

A Different Approach to Health…Thriving Beyond Food Intolerations

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Even after going through a series of colonics appointments, adapting a more clean living lifestyle (mostly vegan foods and green juicing), I was still having some digestive issues. Though no longer dependent on coffee to help me take care of my morning business in the bathroom. Rather hot lemon water and green juice was all I needed. For someone like me with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), this was a huge triumph!

However, it wasn’t until my colonics practitioner suggested that I get tested for food allergies, that I seriously considered this further. It was time to get to the bottom of this. As flushing my system out of what was irritating it with regular colonics appointments, didn’t seem like the end all be all solution. This led me to ask my [Continue Reading...]