Traveled to the other side of the world!
Sarina riding Elephants on land and water when in Luang Prabang, Laos.
GAdventures SE Asia Trip 2/2012 - 3/2012
When life isn’t quite happening the way you expect or want it (e.g., a relationship, a job opportunity or making a sports team), it can be frustrating, particularly if it seems that everyone else around you is living the life you want. Let me share, I have been there myself many times. Of course, this has lead to me search for answers to make sense of the situation by asking why and what can I do differently next time?
Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone and I’m here for you. So let me share some insights, strategies, resources, and encouragement that have helped me gain clarity and move past my self-limiting beliefs that were holding me back.
It’s been through a dedicated practice of self-awareness strategies that has [Continue Reading...]